Finger Millet | | Lime Exim
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Finger Millet

Finger Millet
Finger Millet

Finger Millet

Product Information:

As manufacturers of Finger Millet (Eleusine coracana), it is commonly known as Ragi, is an annual herbaceous plant widely grown as a cereal crop in the arid and semiard areas in Africa and Asia. It is a tetraploid and self-pollinating species probably evolved from its wild relative Eleusine Africana.

Finger Millet has favourable micronutrient contents (high iron and methionine content in particular) and a very long storage time of the grains. The nutritional value of Finger Millet (Ragi) malt is traditionally considered to be higher than that of the raw grain. This has been studied to be scientifically true in that the bio availability / absorb-ability of the nutrients increases with sprouting. It has thirty times as much calcium as rice, more than ten times as much fibre and so on.


Sorghum Seed Specifications:

Properties Values & Limits
Country of Origin India
Harvest Period March
Color Dark red
Packaging 10kg, 12.5 kg, 15kg, 251bs, 501bs, 25 kg in paper/ poly bags
Labeling As per buyer's instruction.
Shelf Life 1 year from production date.
GMO Status Not genetically modified.
Specification Detail specification will be provided upon request.

Use Of Finger Millet

Finger Millet is available as whole, flour, multi grain flour and breakfast mixes such as malted Ragi flour. It is also a fat cereal and most of the fats are in unsaturated form. As a wholesale supplier of Finger millet, it is a complete multi nutritional food supplement which is rich in fibre, protein, calcium and other minerals.

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