Green Millet (Bajra) | | Lime Exim
Lime Exim Loader

Green Millet (Bajra)

Green Millet (Bajra)
Green Millet (Bajra)

Green Millet (Bajra)

Green Millet Specification Grade wise

Green Millet Machine Clean Non M/C Animal Feed
Moisture 14% 14% 14%
Protein 9% 8% 8%
Foreign Matter 1% 2% 3%
Broken 1% 2% 3%
Energy 300K/Cal 300K/Cal 300K/Cal
Aflatoxin 20PPB Max 20PPB Max 20PPB Max
Shruken 2% 3% 3%
Packing 25Kg, 40Kg, 50Kg Bag in PP Bag
Loading 24MT in 20 FT. Container

Uses of Millet:

  • Green Millet is used for making high energy food
  • Pearl Millet seeds are used to feed pou;try, birds and fish.
  • Green Millet is used for animal feed/cattle fwws and bird feed.

Lime Exim: Your Trusted Partner in Green Millet Export

At Lime Exim, we specialize in facilitating the export of high-quality agricultural products to markets around the globe. Our commitment to excellence and reliability has earned us a reputation as a leading player in the international trade industry.

Why Green Millet?

Green millet, also known as pearl millet or bajra, is a versatile and nutritious grain with a growing demand worldwide. Recognizing the potential of this staple crop, Lime Exim has partnered with top-tier producers to ensure a consistent supply of premium-quality green millet for export.

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